Friday, February 15, 2013

A Little Bit Out of Order

So it's been very long since I've had the time to sit down and recall everything that's been going on. Which is super unfortunate because so much has happened in the past two weeks! Most notably the Gita (trip) we went on this past weekend. Seriously one of the best weekends of my life, it was so so so much fun. But, that update will have to come later when I have more time to write about it in detail. Right now, I just want to throw a couple shout outs to the more recent awesomeness that has happened while I have a bit of down time. Numero Uno: This week was the first week of actual classes and start of the semester. The previous three weeks were intensive orientation and language-learning based, hence the celebratory Gita that followed. Now it's down to the real semester, which I'm very excited about both for the different classes and for the more set schedule. I'm taking Italian (of course), Art History, Cultural Anthropology, and Studio Art. Art History is going to be very interesting but also very easy. Most of the first lesson we learned things that I have already studied, but since the professor is Sienese and they are very proud people, I'm re-learning history I already knew but with added facts centered around Siena's role in the history of Italy, the Renaissance, etc. For our second class we took a walking tour through Siena to look at various medieval buildings and study they're art/architecture. Super cool! It's awesome to be able to apply what we learn in the classroom to what is literally right outside. Now Cultural Anthropology, on the other hand, is going to be interesting in an entirely different way. The professor is awesome but nuts. He didn't even show up for class on the first day and was 15 minutes late the next day. But, he is way funny and clearly very interested and enthusiastic about his topic so his mood is always catching. And I don't think he'll be a tough grader nor are his homework assignments that intensive, so again, an easy class. Studio Art I'm very excited about. There are only 8 of us in the class and we get to each choose what medium we want to work with and pretty much have free range. This, I think, will be a great stress reliever and something that I'll be able to work on at home to stay occupied. I have to go buy the rest of my supplies tomorrow: I'm starting with plain graphite drawings and then want to spend the majority of the semester working with watercolor.
The host family continues to be great. They mostly give me my own space but I'm totally comfortable spending time with them. Dinners have kind of turned into a time where we all watch TV together. I'm wondering if this was their norm prior to my arrival and then they didn't turn the TV on my first few weeks, or if this is a new development. Either way I'm ok with it because it gives us something to talk about and watch Italian TV helps with my language skills. A few nights ago we actually all watched Remember the Titans together, which is one of my favorite movies. It was dubbed in Italian of course, but I've seen it so many times that it didn't matter. We've also been watching what is essentially the Italian version of American Idol and that's pretty interesting. Last night however, Davide changed the channel to a soccer game but Monica wanted to watch the singing show. So, they asked me what I wanted to watch to be the tie breaker...Davide knew he had won that battle. With a smug grin on his face he turned to his mother and said, "Lei รจ sportiva," meaning he knew that I like sports and would want to watch the soccer game. I've decided that whether he talks to me or not Davide and I will be best friends. Maybe upon a silent understanding, but best friends none the less. With the hubbub of which television show to watch dinner last night was entertaining to say the least. Today was also a good day. It's Friday AND I got FREE GELATO! There is a gelateria in the city center called KopaKabana which closes from November to February and every year when it re-opens, the first day they give free gelato away to everyone all day! It was awesome. And it was the best gelato I've had so far. Ere go I'm returning there quite often from here on out. Kayla and I were even already home when we discovered that this was happening, so we got on the bus and headed back to the city center. I first got a cone with two scoops: strawberry and chocolate, sooooooooooo good, and we enjoyed our treat outside. Upon finishing we promptly returned inside and got another free two scoops. This time lemon and raspberry, also very good. All in all it was a great experience. Now later this evening we're going out because Noah (a guy on the trip also from L&C) got a DJ gig at a club here in Siena. I'm pretty excited. Alrighty, this day has been a full one and it is yet to be over. More to come this weekend I promise! Ciao a tutti!

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