Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Sono Malata :(

Well, I woke up with a terrible cold yesterday. Luckily we only had our Italian class (granted that was still 5 hours of class), but I was at least able to come home at 2pm and sleep for most of the afternoon. When Monica got home I told her I was feeling sick, "Sono un poco malata," at which point she immediately started bustling around, grabbing thermometers, various medications, and of course made me a nice mug of hot milk and honey. I'm so lucky to be living with such an amazing Italian mother. And like a nervous mother hen, she then told me that I will be staying home from school today to rest. So, here I am, at home in bed feeling sickly. And of course today of all days would be one of the prettiest we've had so far in Siena. Oh well, hopefully this weather will last for awhile. Also, even though I was so not going to argue with Monica for telling me to stay home (going against an Italian mother's wishes is just not something you do here) I was bummed because I was supposed to go to a Tuscan cooking lesson this afternoon. Fortunately though, when I emailed Gianca (one of the program leaders in charge of our school/activity schedules) he said that I can go to the cooking lesson on Wednesday when I'm feeling better. So yay! :) Now I just have the day to myself to sleep and get better.

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